Ep. #25-Out of Body Element –

In the next episode of Orbicle Times I will be hosting the debut of what I hope to be a new cast, the – OBE PODCAST, which represents the Out-of-Body Element.

I, while remaining in my body, hope to explore phenomena that share in the Out- of-Body Element such as the well known Near Death Experience or NDE,the less addressed, well for now, but very compelling Shared Death Experience or SDE plus the intentional and unintentional Out-of-Body Experience.

I hope you journey with me to explore the metaphysical, transcendental of the out of body realms and share in some memorable mystical moments as we travel over the various phenomena that share the thread of the Out-of-Body Element.

OBE Podcast episodes will eventually be drop into their own cast of the same name, plus all updates for this new series will be available on my website orbicletimes.com.

I have been given permission to narrate the testimonials of out-of-body experiencers, so this will be, at the start, the focus for the early episodes of this new cast. My interest in this topic stems from my own O.B.E., which I will address in a future episode.

And so without further ado, it just me, there’s no interview.

The Out-of-Body is a common element that the NDE, SDE, AND O.B.E. share. Of course there are many other reported accompanying components that occur when one is experiencing any of those phenomena, however, I felt that the out-of-body element was, for the most part, indicative of all three experiences.

What is the out-of-body referring to? I will example in the following way; a person may experience the sensation that their consciousness or their spiritual self is outside of their physical body, a type of bilocation and at times can view their physical body from a disembodied location.

Is it the soul or spirit leaving the body and where are these essences housed? Do you believe consciousness to be our spirit?

According to The Difference Between Soul and Spirit (ocoy.org) The “spirit” & “soul”, at least in the West, are used “…interchangeably, in the New Testament and the theology of Eastern Christianity they are different. The word translated “soul” is psyche, the psychic nature which includes the mind and the intellect, the astral and causal bodies.

The word [“spirit” translated ] is pneuma,…[and spirit ]… is the pure consciousness” and consciousness seems to play a pivotal role as an element of the previous mentioned phenomenon.

There are theories, to be sure, exploring where consciousness may reside, such as that of Dr. Francis Crick’s who in 2005 first postulated that something called the claustrum, located underneath the cortex was, he theorized, the seat of consciousness (Science Daily).

Both the physical sciences and philosophy can not agree between or within their disciplines as to where consciousness really resides, It appears that between the concept of “ panpsychism and the theory of physical ism it is indeed a hard problem.

The Physicalism thesis entails everything is physical, everything supervenes on the physical. I am going to infer that might include things that are biological, psychological or social in nature.

Dan Falk’s online article in Scientific America explores the concept of Panpsychism, which poses that consciousness is a fundamental aspect of reality and proponents of that concept, such as Philosopher David Chalmers, claims that, quote ‘a photon “might have some element of raw, subjective feeling, some primitive precursor to consciousness.” The concept proposes that consciousness is a fundamental aspect of reality’ (SCI AM).

Hmmm…. but what is reality dear doctor?

Philosopher Philip Goff states that according to panpsychism, “consciousness pervades the universe and is a fundamental feature of it. This doesn’t mean that literally everything is conscious” (Gareth Cook).

Goff clarifies his use of the word “consciousness” – meaning – “experience”, as in the experience of pain, pleasure, visual or auditory experiences.

Is this a case of ….I experience therefor I am? I am not sure. Does Goff’s clarification imply that NOT all biological DNA would be included in panpsychism?

I mean, why not include, say…mold , as in mushroom and what about crystals? since they “…have been found to form the same structure of the double helix – DNA found in humans” (WIKI).

It appears that between the concept of “ panpsychism and physicalism it may indeed be a hard problem,

Perhaps consciousness exist as a quantum wave that connects with and to the physical and spiritual cosmos or is that cosmoses or cosmoi, well it’s all Greek to me!

Where ever consciousness resides, it seems that it plays a pivotal role in the element of an out-of-body.

Speaking of resides, let’s do a small exploration around realms. More specifically realms that circle around Transcendental, Metaphysical and the Astral Planes. But first a little descriptor for each of those terms.

Some use the word “realm” interchangeably with words like plane, dimension or density. and I suppose density could mean frequency or vibration anyways I am using the word “realm” to mean a domain within which anything occurs or dominates. So, hopefully that will work for this episode.

Based on pbs.org the word Metahysical derives from Greek and refers to an idea or posited reality outside of human sense perception.

Metaphysical studies generally seek to explain inherent or universal elements of reality which are not easily discovered or experienced in our everyday life. As such, it is concerned with explaining the features of reality that exist beyond the physical world and our immediate senses. As such, it is concerned with explaining the features of reality that exist beyond the physical world and our immediate senses”.pbs.org

The metaphysical realm therefore can refer to dimensions beyond our physical world. An aspect of this realm is consciousness which seems to expand beyond the physical and affix to other or higher realms (acsauhaya.org}.

According to Oxford Languages Transendental relates to a spiritual or nonphysical realm. In the “non-physical” realm, everything is experienced as “thought” in all it fullness.

Transcendental is related to the word transcend meaning to surmount or to climb over and beyond, I am guessing a little different then what I do every night when Molly the dog is laying by the bed.

I came across a Dr. Mamas’ website via Heidi Ash’s Yoga Chicago. Oh Chicago! The Three Realms of Existence | Yoga ChicagoThere, on the later site, I found Dr. Mamas’s 3 Realms of Existence, one of the realms being the Transcendental Realm. According to Dr. Michael Mamas, the transcendental realm is sometimes called the “absolute” or that of Pure Consciousness, where oneness with all things can be experienced. The Transcendental Realm (michaelmamas.net)

The Three Realms of Existence – A Model that Can Change Your Life by Michael Ma mas (mountsoma.org)The word “astral” can mean starlike, celestial, ethereal or planetary. The Oxford Languages state the word relates to “supposed nonphysical realm of existence to which various psychic and paranormal phenomena are ascribed, in which the physical human body is said to have a counterpart”, I am guessing here they are referring to the astral body.

Astral Realm might be a distinct plane of existence that is separate from the physical world available through certain practices, hopefully to be explored in future episodes. The Astral realm may encompass different entities and realities. How to placate such entities, if need be? I am not sure. Something to think about. Something to explore.

Speaking of something to think about…while in our reality it is important to recognize an emergency and although according to healthline.com Out-of-Body Experience: What’s Really Happening (healthline.com) Research has not yet connected spontaneous OBE’s to serious health risks however one might feel a bit dizzy or disoriented after the experience. However, OBEs and dissociation in general can cause lingering feelings of emotional distress.

Here is what they recommend.

Recognize an emergency

Seek immediate help if you’ve had an OBE and are experiencing:

  • severe head pain
  • flashing lights in your vision
  • seizures
  • loss of consciousness
  • low mood or changes in mood
  • thoughts of suicide

I am now going to circle back to expand on some examples of realms.

As mentioned earlier, words such as realm, dimension, plain and so forth are all polysemantic but will be utilized in a spiritual sense. I am not going to get too particular, at least not for now, about the hierarchy of these words, if indeed there is one ,as an example is a realm only to be found inside a dimension? I will leave myself open to discovering this possibility, with episodes that address realms or dimensions etc. that are relevant to future episodes as this cast moves forward.

There are the mythical realms, found in folk lore and mythology from around the globe such as a myth from Greece regarding the three realms of the cosmos or the Norse mythological 9 realms of earth, which some argue correspond to geographical earthly realms.

For continued content please give a listen to the podcast.

If you’ve experienced an Out-of-Body or other related Elements of the SDE, NDE or Astral Projection kind and would like your telling of expressed on this cast, contact theobepodcast@gmail.com

New cast episodes will include topics that circle around NDE’s, SDE’s, AND OBE’s. Thank you for joining me on this journey and I hope you continue to travel with me as we explore the various phenomena that share the thread of the Out-of-Body Element.

Please note that my all my writings are created by me & not by AI intervention, however, I can not speak to my sources-sources.

Take care everyone and happy travels.

For the rest of the story please listen to my cast available on my YouTube channel with the handle @orbicletimespodcast


A universe of 10 dimensions (phys.org)


Brain area thought to impart consciousness, behaves instead like an Internetrouter | ScienceDaily

Buddhist rebirth in different planes of existence – Asian and African studies blog

Does Consciousness Pervade the Universe? | Scientific American, Cook. Gareth, January 14 2020,SCI AM

Exploring the Mysteries of the Metaphysical Realm (acsauhaya.org)

Glossary Definition: Metaphysical (pbs.org)

How Many Dimensions Are There in the Universe? (northropgrumman.com)

Is Consciousness Part of the Fabric of the Universe? | Scientific American’ Sept Falk D. Sept. 26, 2023

Physicalism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy/Winter 2004 Edition)

The Difference Between Soul and Spirit (ocoy.org)

The One Most Complete Guide to the Spiritual Dimensions of Reality | Alan Lew | New Earth Consciousness | New Earth Consciousness (medium.com)

Out-of-Body Experience: What’s Really Happening (healthline.com)

Oxford Languages and Google – English | Oxford Languages (oup.com)


transcendent | Etymology of transcendent by etymonline

The Three Realms of Existence | Yoga Chicago

The Transcendental Realm (michaelmamas.net)

The Three Realms of Existence – A Model that Can Change Your Life by Michael Mamas (mountsoma.org)

Out-of-Body Experience: What’s Really Happening (healthline.com)

We Haven’t Been Zapped Out Of Existence Yet, So Other Dimensions Are Probably Super Tiny | Smart News| Smithsonian Magazine

What are the four realms of the Earth? Explain them (byjus.com)


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